Psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, can significantly affect the feet by causing various symptoms such as red, scaly patches and inflammation. When psoriasis affects the feet, it can lead to the development of thickened, dry patches on the soles and between the toes, which may become itchy, cracked, and painful. These lesions can interfere with walking and standing, creating discomfort and potentially making it difficult to find comfortable footwear.
In addition to the visible skin changes, psoriasis can cause nail abnormalities, such as pitting, thickening, or discoloration of the toenails, which can further complicate foot health. The overall impact of psoriasis on the feet extends to affecting daily activities and quality of life, as the condition can lead to pain and sensitivity, making it challenging to walk or engage in regular activities. Treatment typically involves topical therapies, moisturizers, and sometimes systemic medications or light therapy to manage symptoms and reduce inflammation. |