Ankle sprains occur when a person has a misstep, twists their foot in the wrong
direction, and damages the ligaments of the ankle. Ankle sprains are most common in athletes. 90% of ankle sprains are inversion injuries which occur when the foot turns inwards and the outside of the ankle gets injured. Ankle sprains usually have swelling, redness, and bruising and the patient can experience a a lot of difficulties walking. The severity of the sprain is dependent on how much damage was done to the ligaments and if not properly addressed can cause significant issues in the future. Treatment usually includes bracing, swelling control, and physical therapy. In cases where patients have had multiple ankle injuries or continued pain after a severe ankle sprain, arthroscopic surgery may be required to address any damage to the ankle joint itself. Arthroscopic surgery is a form of minimally invasive surgery that allows the surgeon to visualize, diagnose and treat a joint problem with a camera and small specialized tools. |